Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Playing After Naps

Both kids took naps after Bette's and then they were ready to play! Tyler loves his Smart Cycle, his "bike that hooks up to the tv". He was having so much fun playing the SpongeBob game.

Bette's Family Fun Center

We went to Bette's today and it was so much fun because both kids played. We used to go during Kylie's morning nap, but it was amazing to see her play too. Kylie climbed on the big blocks, crawled all over the foam floor, went on the slide with Tyler, and had such a great time! I was so proud of her! Tyler loves Bette's and his favorite part today was going on the super tall inflatable slide!

11 1/2 Hours

Kylie slept IN HER CRIB from 7:45 to 7:15. AMAZING!!! I think she finally has this figured out. Thank goodness. It has been a long 8 months of no sleep for Kylie, and even longer for mommy. I had terrible back pain throughout my pregnancy and did not get much sleep then either. So...I am very excited for Kylie and mommy to get some sleep. We both need it!

Sheriff Tyler

My son is absolutely hilarious. This is how he came downstairs yesterday..."I am Sheriff Tyler"! Notice the ping pong paddle sticking out of his underwear! The hat is from his Halloween costume when he was 14 months old...It didn't fit him then...I was laughing so hard. He does some incredible things!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kylie is 8 Months Old

Kylie turned 8 months old on February 21, 2009. She did awesome at her pictures today. She stood by herself for so long...It was amazing. I of course had to get a couple of Tyler too! Kylie is starting to sleep a little better. Last night she slept from 11:30 to 4:55...a huge improvement! In eight months, Kylie has slept pretty good three nights, but I do think she is getting the hang of sleeping in her crib...all night! I will keep my fingers crossed...

She did take one more step by herself today!!!

Tubing on Blue Mountain

We took Tyler tubing on Blue Mountain. It was so much fun! We sat in huge tubes, got pulled up a hill, rolled out of the tube, walked over to the hill, and they asked if we wanted to spin or go straight. Of course we wanted to spin! It was a blast!!!! It was a 45 minute wait each time, so we only went down three times. The last time was the best! It was a long day and Tyler slept most of the way home. (My mother and father-in-law watched Kylie. She was having mommy separation anxiety and had a rough day. Thanks Babci and Pop for watching her...Sorry she was difficult...)